Sports is an important and essential part of the overall development of an individual. Sports is the bloom and the glow of perfect health.
Little Flower Public School isn’t focussed only on academics and places equal importance on sports. This helps our students to develop team spirit, learn accountability, dedication and leadership. The students representing our school sports teams are given extra coaching during and after school hours to enable them to excel in their chosen field.
LFPS has a huge amount of sporting talent and has seen many of its students win accolades in Inter School, State, National and International level events.
A sports meet is conducted each year with enthusiastic participation by our students.
The Students from Class V to Class X are divided into four houses, Emerald House, Ruby House, Sapphire House & Topaz house. The students winning in co-curricular competitions & sports in Inter, Intra, State, National & International level are awarded points and the scores are updated every month and displayed on the score board.
Modern Karate training is commonly divided into Kihon [basics or fundamentals], Kata [forms], and Kumite [sparring]. Karate is taught from Standard I to IV, both for physical fitness and as a means of self-defence by a professional karate teacher, Mr. Suresh Kenichira.

It is open to Students from Class IV and above to train them in life skills.
Yoga / Aerobics
Children are trained in Yoga for physical and mental fitness which promotes their holistic development. Stress is a major obstacle in any activity and academics is no exception. Yoga training imparted to the children alleviates stress by enabling better concentration and also improving memory.

Chess develops strategizing skills and the mental faculties of the players. At the same time, being a game it appeals to children. Coaching is offered to the students to learn and excel at the game.
Cricket & Table Tennis
Coaching in cricket for boys and in Table Tennis for boys and girls is undertaken by professionals who give intensive practice encouraging students to reach the District, National and International levels.